  • 宋昱瑾,田涛,杨军,刘敏,吴忠鑫,高东奎,尹增强,李晓钰.海洋牧场背景下的休闲渔业旅游发展模式研究[J].海洋开发与管理,2022,39(1):110-116    
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大连海洋大学辽宁省海洋牧场工程技术研究中心;设施渔业教育部重点实验室; 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)
关键词:  海洋牧场;休闲渔业;渔业资源配置  产业融合;旅游产品;旅游方式
基金项目:辽宁省“百千万人才工程”资助项目(辽人社〔2019〕45号);南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州) 人才团队引进重大专项(GML2019ZD0402);大连市科技创新基金项目(2021JJ11CG001).
Study on the Development Model of Recreational Tourism Under the Background of Marine Ranching
SONG Yujin,TIAN Tao,YANG Jun,LIU Min,WU Zhongxin,GAO Dongkui,YIN Zengqiang,LI Xiaoyu
Center for Marine Ranching Engineering Science Research of Liaoning, Dalian Ocean University;Key Laboratory of Environment Controlled Aquaculture, Ministry of Education;Center for Marine Ranching Engineering Science Research of Liaoning, Dalian Ocean University; Key Laboratory of Environment Controlled Aquaculture, Ministry of Education; Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)
In recent years, with the significant development trend of industrial integration, the primary and secondary industries began to transform to the tertiary industry, and the marine ranching fishery and tourism gradually integrated and developed, forming recreational fishery and other forms of fishery tourism. Many regions had formed different recreational fishery development models according to local conditions, and the diversified development trend of recreational fishery tourism was gradually forming. This paper expounded the concept of recreational fishery, introduced the emergence and development of recreational fishery, summarized the tourism mode of recreational fishery in China, put forward the problems existing in the development of recreational fishery, including development concept lag, lack of long-term planning; marine recreational fishery industry structure was single; lack of highly-qualified employees; insufficient investment in technology and capital. The future development trend of recreational fishery under the background of marine ranching was summarized. Suggestions were put forward on the concept of promoting the development direction, planning the value of tourism resources was put forward, to build diversified tourism products and increase the industrial chain structure, and Innovate immersive and experiential pasture tourism, cultivating highly qualified employees and improving investment in science and technology.
Key words:  Marine ranching, Recreational fishery, Allocation of fishery resources, Industrial integration, Tourism products, Tourism mode