  • 齐庆华.基于国家海洋治理和全球气候变化的我国海洋灾害防治[J].海洋开发与管理,2019,36(2):17-23    
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自然资源部第三海洋研究所 海洋环境管理与可持续发展研究中心
关键词:  自然灾害防治  致灾因子危险性  暴露度和脆弱性  大数据和系统仿真  蓝碳
Marine Disaster Prevention in China Based on National Marine Governance and Global Climate Change
QI Qinghua
Marine Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Research Center,Third Institute of Oceanography,MNR
In order to establish and improve modern marine disaster prevention system and improve China′s marine governance and ability of responding to global climate change,global governance and national governance were taken as the background in this paper,to analyze the characteristics of marine disasters and risks in China under the background of global climate change,on the basis of defining relevant concepts and connotations of hazard factors,hazard bearing body,disasters and the risk and management,etc.,as well as the key and basic scientific issues of marine disaster resistance and governance.Suggestions on the construction of marine disaster governance system in China were put forward.The results showed that,under the influence of global climate change,the risk of marine disasters in China′s coastal areas was complex and various and had been increasing.Systemic research architecture of groupringdomain was proposed in the paper,which was committed to studies on the global climate change and the response and feedback of regional oceans,the characteristics and laws of marine disasters under the background of global climate change,as well as comprehensive marine disaster risk assessment and marine disaster governance.In the process of establishing marine disaster governance system in China,scientific research,technical and information support should be strengthened,to promote regional and global joint preventions,and improve the whole society′s awareness and prevention level of marine disasters.
Key words:  Natural disaster resistance and governance,Danger of hazard,Exposure and vulnerability,Big data and system simulation,Blue carbon