  • 陈璇,郑崇伟,李训强,孙威.经略21世纪海上丝路之海洋环境特征:海流特征[J].海洋开发与管理,2016,33(4):3-7    
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解放军75822部队;解放军理工大学;LASG 实验室中国科学院大气物理研究所;海军大连舰艇学院
海流对于海洋渔业、海洋表层初级生产力分布、海洋物质输运等理化生现象有着重要影响。文章利用海洋再分析流场资料,简要分析印度洋海区和南海海区(20°S—30°N,30°E—130°E)的流场年平均以及季节变化特点,得出以下结论:① 南海海区流场的季节变化显著,受到季风、黑潮和地形的共同影响作用,在东北季风期间存在沿粤东沿岸至海南岛南侧转向沿越南沿岸的一支流系,该流系的强度变化影响爪哇海等南海南侧海区流场变化。②苏拉威西岛东侧和加里曼丹岛西侧流系有明显的季节变化,在流动强盛的时期这两支流系均是偏南向流动;从爪哇海流出的海流常年存在,夏季附近流速最大,最大流速分布在1.0m/s。③赤道印度洋海区和非洲东岸的沿岸流存在明显的季节变化,上层海区流动的低流速区存在流向切变;沿岸流最大流速在5-9月出现,可达1.8m/s以上,而赤道流系则在11月,可达0.8m/s以上。
关键词:  海流  印度洋  南海  季节特征
Strategy of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: on the Characteristic of Ocean Current
CHEN Xuan,ZHENG Chongwei,LI Xunqiang,SUN Wei
People's Liberation Army;People's Liberation Army University of Science and Technology;National Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dalian Naval Academy
Ocean current has an important influence on marine fishery,the distribution of marine primary productivity and marine transport,etc.This paper briefly introduced the annual and seasonal characteristic of Indian Ocean and South China Sea current,using data from Simple Ocean Data Assimilation.The results showed that,(1) the seasonal variation of the current in the sea area of South China Sea is influenced by monsoon,the Kuroshio and terrain,during the northeast monsoon,there is a current system along China's eastern coast and turning on the southern side of the Hainan Island,and then flows along the Vietnam's coast.This current affects those currents in the southern of the South China Sea such as Java Sea.(2) The currents on the eastern side of the Sulawesi Island and the western side of the Kalimantan island have obvious seasonal variation,in the period of strong flow,the two tributaries are partial southward flows.The current that flows out from Java exists throughout the year,the velocity of which reaches maximum in summer around 1.0 m/s.(3) Currents along the shore of Africa and the equatorial current of Indian Ocean have obvious seasonal variation,upper currents with the low velocity zone exists stream wise shear.The maximum velocity of the coastal current can occur from May to September,and can reach 1.8 m/s,while the equatorial current can reach 0.8 m/s in November.
Key words:  Ocean current,Indian ocean,South China Sea,Seasonal characteristic