  • 白杨,杜敏,周庆伟,孟洁,武贺.潮流能发电装置现状分析[J].海洋开发与管理,2016,33(3):57-63    
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关键词:  潮流能  发电装置  参数分析  现状
Proceeding of Tidal Current Energy Conversion System
BAI Yang,DU Min,ZHOU Qingwei,MENG Jie,WU He
National Ocean Technology Center
Tidal current is a kind of renewable marine energy resource which is relatively stable and predictable. It has more advantages such as less environmental impact and flexible scale of development, compared with traditional tidal barrage energy development. Its rapid development can provide energy for the island’s economic development and ocean observation equipment. The technology of international tidal current energy devices currently was reviewed and summarized in this paper. The structure of tidal current energy generation, including the kind of horizontal axis, vertical axis and others, was thoroughly introduced, as well as the designing parameters and testing situation of major international turbines. Features and technical parameters of different types of tidal current energy generation were compared and analyzed specially. Installation and operation of tidal current energy demonstration in China was summarized in brief. Device type, dome effect and placement form were also discussed. It provided significant and scientific reference for exploitation of resources and construction of test area of tidal current energy.
Key words:  Tidal current, Conversion systems,Parameter analysis,Proceeding