摘要: |
为了更好地认识21世纪海上丝绸之路(简称“海上丝路”),文章对“海上丝路”涉及的重要航线、节点及港口的地理位置、气候状况、水文特征、商业价值、人文背景等进行梳理。重要航线、节点及港口的使用与管理作为“海上丝路”建设的基础要素,是与造船能力并列的核心资源,三者之间环环相扣,构成“海上丝路”健康运营的完整体系。与沿“海上丝路”国家稳步推进航线、节点及港口的管理、开发与维护,打造坚实的战略支撑点、现代之“海上驿站”,是成功实现我国资源多样化、产业走出去、贸易全球化的最佳路径之一,以此为契机,融入现有国际海洋法公约并在践行过程中制定利我的海上政策体制,助力“海之梦”、“中国梦”。 |
关键词: 海上丝绸之路 战略支撑点 海上驿站 航线 节点 港口 |
DOI: |
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2015CB453200,2013CB956200,2012CB957803);国家自然科学基金(41275086,41475070) |
Strategy of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road:on the Important Routes,Crucial Nodes and Characteristics of Ports |
ZHENG Chongwei,SUN Wei,LI Xin,HE Fang,CHEN Xuan |
PLA University of Science and Technology;LASG,Institute of Atmospheric Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dalian Naval Academy;No.75822 of PLA |
Abstract: |
For the better understanding of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (short as MSR),the geography location,climate characteristic,hydrology condition,commercial value,humanity background of the important routes,crucial nodes and ports were sorted out in this paper. Being the essential factors,important routes,crucial nodes and ports are linked with each other as important core resources as shipbuilding ability,those who formed the healthy operation integrated system of MSR. Cooperation with countries along the MSR on the fields of development,management and maintenance,building a series of solid strategic fulcrums (can also be named as “modern marine dak”),is one of the best paths to promote the resources variation and industries and trading globalization. |
Key words: Maritime Silk Road,Strategic fulcrum,Modern marine dak,Routes,nodes,ports |