  • 汪国钦,陈培雄,赖瑛,王志文,刘小奇.浙江海洋经济高质量水平评价体系构建及实证分析[J].海洋开发与管理,2024,41(3):133-142    
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关键词:  海洋经济  高质量发展  评价体系  综合评价
基金项目:2021 年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“基于‘海洋强国’战略的海洋经济统计核算、监测与评价体系创新研究”(21&ZD154);2022年浙江省一般软科学研究项目“浙江省海洋经济统计方法创新研究”(2022C35093).
Construction and Empirical Analysis of Zhejiang Marine Economy High-Quality Level Evaluation System
WANG Guoqin,CHEN Peixiong,LAI Ying,WANG Zhiwen,LIU Xiaoqi
Key Laboratory of Ocean Space Resource Management Technology,MNR;Marine Academy of Zhejiang Province
This paper analyzes the connotation and essence of marine economy with high-quality development. Combined with the actual construction of powerful marine economy in Zhejiang Province, it constructs an evaluation system with “quality efficiency of marine economic development-marine innovation driving ability-external development level-marine ecological environment quality-social sharing degree” as the benchmark layer, and uses the entropy method to determine the index weight. This paper empirically analyzes the high-quality development level of Zhejiang marine economy from 2010 to 2020, and analyzes the internal relationship between each subsystem and the high-quality development of marine economy. The results showed that: The five subsystems were ranked in the order of external development level > quality efficiency of marine economic development > social sharing degree > marine innovation driving ability > marine ecological environment quality.During the whole evaluation period from 2010 to 2020, the evaluation results of high-quality development level of marine economy in Zhejiang Province showed a steady improvement trend. From 2010 to 2015, the quality and efficiency of sub-system marine economic development, marine innovation driving ability and social sharing degree all showed a trend of rapid improvement. After 2015, the external development level became the first driving force to improve the comprehensive evaluation results.
Key words:  Marine economy,High-quality development,Evaluation system,Comprehensive evaluation