  • 孟雪,滕欣,赵奇威,康琬超,张盼盼,李学峰.“一带一路”背景下柬埔寨海岸带管理体系研究[J].海洋开发与管理,2024,41(3):72-78    
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关键词:  柬埔寨  海岸带  海洋部门  管理制度
Research on Coastal Zone Management System in Cambodia Under the Belt and Road Initiative
MENG Xue,TENG Xin,ZHAO Qiwei,KANG Wanchao,ZHANG Panpan,LI Xuefeng
National Ocean Technology Center
The Belt and Road initiative is an important strategy of the Chinese government to promote international cooperation, and China-Cambodia cooperation is one of the important initiatives to implement the Belt and Road initiative. In recent years, Cambodia's four coastal provinces have experienced rapid population growth, accelerated urbanization and increased marine exploitation activities, which have put tremendous pressure on the coastal zone ecosystem and urgently require the establishment of a reasonable and effective coastal zone management system. By combing through the current Cambodia's coastal zone management system and institutions, this paper finds that there are five major problems in the management of Cambodian coastal zone, such as lack of comprehensive laws and regulations, poor management of pollutant discharge, enforcement and supervision policies to be improved, insufficient ability to obtain data, and insufficient public participation. The paper puts forward suggestions on improving the coastal zone management system, strengthening coastal zone management capacity building, and enhancing public awareness of coastal zone protection. On this basis, three directions for China-Cambodian coastal zone management cooperation are proposed to provide references for improving Cambodia′s coastal zone management system and promoting in-depth cooperation in the field of coastal zone management between China and Cambodia.
Key words:  Cambodia, Coastal zone, Marine department, Management system