  • 陈清福.高度城市化背景下围填海区域生态修复的探索与实践——以厦门市筼筜湖综合治理为例[J].海洋开发与管理,2024,41(3):3-15    
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关键词:  城市化  围填海  环境保护  筼筜湖  综合治理  生态修复
Exploration and Practice of Ecological Restoration of Sea Reclamation Areas, Under the Background of Highly Urbanized: Integrated treatment of Yundang Lagoon in Xiamen
CHEN Qingfu
Protection Center of Yundang Lagoon
With the continuous development of coastal urbanization and socio-economy, sea reclamation has become a common way to solve land shortage and urban expansion in China, but it has also triggered a series of ecological and livelihood issues. In the early years, Xiamen faced severe environmental change and ecological damage during the process of reclamation and development of Yundang harbor. In order to improve the environmental quality, Xiamen has carried out decades of effective integrated treatment for the Yundang Lagoon. At the same time, Xiamen has planned and constructed a new urban area in an orderly manner in the reclamation area of the Yundang Lagoon. By the measures such as formulating legal systems and urban development plans,interception of sewage, sediment dredged, bringe in the tide to rejuvenate the lagoon, planted mangrove, builded an ecological island, the ecological environment of the sea reclamation areas has been significantly improved. These measures have significantly improved the ecological environment of the reclamation area, effectively promoted the development, upgrading and transformation of the city, and promoted the formation of a high-quality development model that attaches equal importance to ecological protection and economic construction in Xiamen, with significant social, ecological and economic benefits.
Key words:  Urbanization, Sea reclamation, Environmental protection, Yundang Lagoon, Integrated treatment, Ecological restoration