  • 张智,雷灵逸,王飞鹏,李荣茂,李聪,黄亚玲,穆景利.三沙湾海水养殖固碳潜力评估与空间格局分析[J].海洋开发与管理,2024,41(2):28-37    
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闽江学院地理与海洋学院 福建省海洋生物多样性保护与永续利用重点实验室;福州大学环境与安全工程学院;福建省渔业资源监测中心
关键词:  渔业碳汇  水产养殖  固碳潜力  空间分布格局  三沙湾
Assessment and Spatial Pattern of Carbon Sequestration Potential of Mariculture in Sansha Bay
ZHANG Zhi,LEI Lingyi,WANG Feipeng,LI Rongmao,LI Cong,HUANG Yaling,MU Jingli
Fujian Key Laboratory on Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Marine Biodiversity,College of Geography and Oceanography,Minjiang University;College of Environmental and Safety Engineering,Fuzhou University;Fujian Fisheries Resources Monitoring Center
This paper selected Sansha Bay which was a typical aquacultural bay in Fujian Province as the research area to investigate the current status of aquaculture, and calculated the amount and values of carbon sequestration contributed by mariculture from Sansha Bay. The results showed that the total aquaculture output of Sansha Bay in 2022 was 664 700 t, including 266 700 t of shellfish and algae. The dominant economic species included large yellow croaker, abalone, kelp, Gracilaria and oyster. The carbon ratio of these main cultured organisms varied spatially and temporally, ranging from 23.67% to 43.89% in tissues and 11.12% to 15.05% in shells. The carbon ratio of kelp decreased with the growth cycle, while the carbon ratio of shells showed no significant difference. In 2022, the mariculture of oysters, kelp, Gracilaria and other filter-feeding shellfish in Sansha Bay could remove carbon about 29 100 t from seawater, equivalent to reducing 106 700 t of CO2. It also created an economic value of 1.62 million yuan, with considerable carbon sequestration capacity and economic benefits. However, abalone, large yellow crock, sea cucumber and other bait-based culture organisms introduced about 925 500 t of extraneous carbon sources in the process of mariculture. Irrational input of bait and culture structure were important factors leading to the weak carbon sequestration ability of bait-based culture. This paper focused on the fishery carbon sink accounting of the typical aquaculture bay, and discussed the carbon sequestration capacity of locally bait-based aquaculture species. It would provide scientific basis for the aquaculture planning and the green upgrading and transformation of the aquaculture industry in this area.
Key words:  Fishery carbon sink,Aquaculture,Carbon sequestration,Spatial distribution pattern,Sansha Bay