摘要: |
在全国经济发展的大趋势下,作为中国与东盟各国联系的重要通道,北部湾经济区发展海洋经济势在必行,而海洋经济的发展离不开陆域经济的支撑。文章主要分析北部湾地区海陆经济一体化发展的状况和规律,建立海洋经济和陆域经济的关联分析模型,对北部湾地区海陆经济一体化发展进行评价,分析其发展优势和机遇挑战,最后提出相关政策建议。 |
关键词: 北部湾 海洋经济 区域经济 陆海统筹 |
DOI: |
基金项目:广西财经学院校级课题“广西海陆经济一体化发展研究”(2014B055). |
The Correlation of Sea&Land Economy in Beibuwan Area |
FAN Yajing,CHEN Baozhen |
Guangxi University of Finance and Economics |
Abstract: |
As marine economy in China developing,one of the most convenient sea channel between China and ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations),Beibuwan Economic Zone in Guangxi should also develop marine economy with supports from land economy development.Under this background,this paper intended to analyze the economic integration development status of Beibuwan region and the law of the land and sea of marine economy,and set up the model about ocean-land economic relationship.The development of sea and land integration in the Beibuwan economic zone was then evaluated,the developing opportunities and challenges were analyzed,and relevant policy suggestions were put forward. |
Key words: Beibuwan Area,Marine economy,Regional economies,Promote land and marine development in a coordinated way |