  • 舒梦瑶,谭春兰.区域港口集群发展研究——以台湾海峡为例[J].海洋开发与管理,2016,33(5):80-86    
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“集群”是指集中于一定区域内特定产业的众多具有分工合作关系的不同规模等级的企业与其发展有关的各种机构、组织等行为主体,通过纵横交错的网络关系紧密联系在一起的空间积聚体,代表着介于市场和等级制之间的一种新的空间经济组织形式。文章主要研究台湾海峡的港口集群,历来学者很少涉及,目的是了解在内部与外部环境影响下主要港口之间的合作与相互作用和港口集群发展过程中政策起到的驱动作用。台湾海峡具有充足丰富的资源、得天独厚的地理位置和广阔的市场,台湾港口具有先进的基础设施和信息技术管理水平,而福建港口具有富裕的资源和广阔的腹地,两者具有互补优势,形成产业集群将提升彼此的市场竞争力。因此,台湾海峡港口集群一体化具有一定的现实意义。 更多还原
关键词:  产业集群  港口发展  制度体系  台湾海峡
The Regional Port Cluster Development:on the Case of the Ports across Taiwan Strait
SHU Mengyao,TAN Chunlan
Department of Economics and Management of Shanghai Ocean University
The term “cluster” is defined as a regional concentration of related economic activities.The geographical focus of this study is the ports across the Taiwan Strait which is a seldom investigated area in cluster research.This paper aimed to develop an institutional framework to analyze the interactions and coordination among key port cluster actors with respect to the internal and external environment,and further identify the driving roles that policy plays in a cluster evolution process.A case study approach was employed in the research.Ports along the Taiwan Strait have access to abundant resources and possess strategic locations,as well as broad market bases.Taiwan ports have advanced infrastructure and information technology management systems,while Fujian ports are rich in resources and have access to the vast mainland hinterland.They have complementary advantages and the formation of a port cluster across Taiwan Strait could improve the market competitiveness of both sides.Thus,the efficient governance and integration of such a port cluster has practical significance.
Key words:  Port cluster, Port development,Institutional framework,Taiwan Strait